Tuesday, March 06, 2007

30-In-30 Challenge: Weeks 17-18, 169.4 lbs & A New Personal 5K Record

Finally, a really outstanding week (in terms of health, anyway), and I really needed it. Everything else in my life seems sooooo unstable right now with my husband's whiplash-like Navy "schedule", my own high-pressure job, and now my family back up north seems to have disowned me for the time being over something really ridiculous. I mean, the situation is one step above Jerry Springer-worthy, and yet I'm the one on the outs because I decided to interject some rationalism. It's times like these I'm grateful for being hundreds of miles away. Okay, bad tangent, but that's why it's nice to have my health-related goals to focus on while it seems like everything else is going down the drain. My husband and I signed up for a 5K on Saturday, and we both did great. I actually had a personal best of ~35:20min, finally breaking a previous time of 36min. That's my husband pacing right in front of me. I was able to keep up with him for at least a mile before I lost him going up a bridge. It was by far the longest I'd ever been able to keep up with him before pooping out, or before he started walking beside me while I shuffled. Quite the accomplishment, considering he's in MUCH better shape, having to run all the time for physical fitness tests at work.

The other great thing - I finally got my act together after a couple of weeks of on-and-off binging. I've been going to the gym regularly again, and I've been stricter with watching what I eat. The reward is FINALLY breaking the 170 mark. I'm pretty sure this is the lowest I've weighed since grade school! Another nice thing about getting back on track: fitting into an adorable pair of size 12 white pinstripe dress-pants that my husband affectionately called "do-me pants" - hehe.


Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say hi and say
"you go girl"
Congrats on that great run.


Breadless MrsB said...


Nicole (SummersComing) said...

Wow. So inspiring. Your start weight is just about the same as mine. Amazing work you've done!

Unknown said...

Long time no see. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I wouldn't say I'm whooshing. I lose all week, then gain over the week. It's a predictable pattern. I just try to look at milestones, like seeing something under 140 on a Monday is very good. My high weight on the week is almost always Sunday.

Breadless MrsB said...

Well, congrats on the milestone, then :) Yup, I've been AWOL lately. It's a typical trend with me, sad to say. I go through these binging periods, or periods where I just don't give a crap, and so I for sure don't want to be on my blog, reminding myself of how I should be eating.... So I just go underground for awhile. But I eventually come back up for air, frustrated and heavier. But it seems like each backsliding incident has been smaller and smaller in duration. So maybe I'm slowly figuring out myself after all :)