Saturday, October 22, 2005

Another Item Crossed Off My Life's To-Do List

Today, I did something I never thought I'd do. A few years ago and 70+ pounds heavier, I never thought I'd be running my first 5K, but that's exactly what I did this morning. My goal was simple: to run it without stopping to walk. Not only did I reach my goal, I've been bitten by the 5K bug and can't wait to sign up for my next race to better my time.

It was really an inspirational day, seeing so many people there, lots of them with pink signs pinned to their backs with the name of a loved one who had either survived or succumbed to breast cancer. Feeling the emotional weight of the day was more than enough to lessen whatever "discomfort" (more like my lungs were on fire, and I was afraid of passing out and getting trampled by the masses) I might have been feeling. It was worth the experience, and I'm feeling great about myself for accomplishing my goal.

Funny side note, my husband completely missed me crossing the finish line. I ran passed him, waving, and I assumed he saw me, but apparently not. I had to go back and find him, standing right where I had passed him earlier, still looking for me. I like to think he missed me because I was just that fast (although with a time of 36:20min, I know that's not exactly true. I think it was the pigtails that threw him off). His response when he realized I was already done and waiting: "I was gonna say, I was starting to wonder when people were finishing by walking...." Well done. I'd find another photographer, but this one's price was right. And I did make him wake up at 5:30a this morning on his day off after a long, long week of work.... Poor thing.... I still love him :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! You go girl. You are awsome (so his your husband).

I am so proud of you!